Fights Diabetes & Normalizes Blood Sugar by Natural Salt

One of the most vital and crucial benchmark of our body health is our blood sugar level. Having too low or too high a blood sugar has its corresponding disadvantages and if the problem becomes extreme it can be very hard on our body. Chronic high blood sugar can result in developing a disease called Diabetes.
However, for people who are already diabetic, ample intake of Natural Himalayan Crystal Salt will put the body into an ideal state. This is due to the fact that Natural Himalayan Crystal Salt contains (84) minerals, 4 of which are known key factors in maintaining balanced blood sugar levels:
Chromium: Chromium’s main function is to turn carbohydrates into glucose. It also helps in the regulation and production of insulin. Without chromium in the body insulin would not be able to work properly.
Vanadium: Vanadyl sulfate, a salt of the mineral vanadium (vanadium oxysulfate), has demonstrated insulin-like effects on glucose metabolism in both animal and human trials. Clinical studies found a significant decrease in insulin requirements by patients with both insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and non-insulin-dependent diabetes.
Manganese: Maintains blood glucose levels in the normal range: it’s used in treating diabetes and hypoglycemia
Magnesium: Helps in the digestion of sugar, starches, and fats and also stabilizes blood sugar levels.

You may contact us for more detail about benefits of Natural Himalayan Rock Salt Products at or whatsapp: +92-331 8470841